While embarking on a ritual visit to the Isiphingo sea at the beginning of each year, Imboni Dr uZwi Lezwe Radebe received a message from the divine that something was coming from across the ocean, from the Eastern direction.
In March 2020, a 38-year-old man who had travelled across the oceans brought about a strange virus on to the South African shores. “Isibonakaliso se Mboni sa zaliseka” a vision/ message received by Imboni came to pass.
The advantage that the nation of Amasosha have in walking their spiritual journey under the spiritual guidance of Imboni uZwi leZwe, A Light Bearer, is that they are forewarned of impending danger, disaster or pandemic and not only that, a solution is devised by Imboni with the guidance of Izithunywa, The Divine Messengers.
Imboni Uzwi LeZwe was then instructed by His guides/ izithunywa, translated as (those who are sent by the supreme Being (Umfihlakalo)to deliver messages to the nation of Amasosha and the nation in its entirety) to use the Umhlonyane herb (Artemisia), a powerful multidimensional African herb, which has anti-fungal, anti-parasite, anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties, to produce an herbal tonic termed “Agrico Umhlonyane” to aid against this multi-dimensional virus termed covid 19.
In this way, the resuscitation of African indigenous medicinal epistemology in a time of a crisis was witnessed. Although Umhlonyane is not scientifically proven as a cure for covid 19, there were many Africans who had overcome the disease by using the Lengana herb (A Sesotho word for Sagewood) via steaming and consumption. Reconciling the lived experiences of people and that of science was an interesting exercise. However, Ongoing research conducted by various institutions on the Artemisia herb and its anecdotal properties against covid 19 indicate that the herb has a high potency against the virus.
It is no secret that Western knowledge of medicine was derived from the African continent. Greek scholars came to Africa to learn about medicine. The Father of modern medicine, who lived in the 3rd dynasty in ancient Kemet is a man called Imhotep, he practiced medicine 2200 years before Hippocrates, the Father of Modern Medicine, was born.
It is therefore no coincidence or surprise to Amasosha when Iimboni Dr Uzwi LeZwe launched Imvelo Pharmaceutical, a pharmaceutical company aimed at healing the body holistically. Just like Imhotep, who was a high priest and a medicine man among many things, he believed that sickness may sometimes occur in the body naturally and not because there are spirits at play. Dr Radebe is also a balanced leader.
Different uses of uMhlonyane
While the covid pandemic is a thing of the past, the umhlonyane herbal tonic drink retains its relevancy as it is an anti-depressant among other things, which can be consumed when feelings of anxiety occur and for goodnight’s rest. Recently Imboni Dr Uzwi leZwe revealed that among the many properties that umhlonyane has, it is also a catalyst that opens up a portal for Izithunywa (the divine messengers in the spirit realm) to interact with those in the physical realm, just as Impepho (Helichrysum odoratissimum) is a tool used to invoke and communicate with one’s ancestors. Hence it is recommended to take a dose before bedtime to induce messages via dreams or when meditating at a sacred space. Umhlonyane is also known for aiding against respiratory tract infection such as the common cold and flu and also has anti-inflammatory properties. For more click http://www.agricobusiness.co.za/groceries.html
As the African descendants who have been subjected and continue to be subjected to the daily aggressions of the ideology of White Supremacy, we should rise like the Egyptian Phoenix from the ashes to shake off the shackles of coloniality to retake our position as the unbought and unsold architects of destiny. We owe to future generations to make Imvelo pharmaceutical a giant pharmaceutical company and give medicine and healing a new name.
Kuhle Sosha