On the 26th of April, 2022. During the 12:30 pm service, Imboni Dr. uZwi-Lezwe Radebe of the Revelation Spiritual Home (TRSH) recounted a dream he had the night before from the alter of the spiritual institution’s main branch, KwaMama, in Johannesburg, Gauteng.
Imboni shares with Amasosha and visitors that there will, in a peculiar sense, occur “a mass death in the nation.”
“ COVID is not one of the diseases I’m referring to. People are going to start dying, and it has nothing to do with COVID. There will be a mass death, whether it is caused by an undiscovered sickness or anything else”
“Take note of this dream; it is very important,” Imboni told those present, both in-person and online.
Imboni Dr. uZwi-Lezwe Radebe is known for his spiritual revelations (prophecies) that have come true. The foretelling of the COVID-19 in 2019 and the rains in Kwazulu Natal and the Eastern Cape, which have cost many lives and displaced others, are two examples among many.

“Today I awoke with a dream. I was in my yard with my wife, and from where I was standing, it appeared that I was facing a direction I am not quite certain of. My wife was standing on the ground, and I was standing on top of a wooden platform. I could see a swarm of people approaching me from afar.”
Imboni described the dream as strange.
“As they approached, I saw that they had a Caucasian complexion but were a little deeper in hue, nearly Arab or Mexican in appearance. “What struck me as odd was the lack of even a single black individual.”
“They came to me when they got to where I was standing, but because I was on this platform, they couldn’t reach me. These individuals continued to arrive. When they arrived, they spoke to me in their native tongue, and when I responded, they understood. “Where are you going?” I questioned them in my native language. They stated that they were going to the east gate. I was shocked since I thought Eastgate was a shopping mall, but it quickly came to me that these individuals are talking about a place in the east direction where there is a gate where they will enter.”
“They didn’t look to be on their way to start a war. They appeared to be peaceful people, until one woman amongst them, who appeared to be elderly, climbed onto the platform I was standing on. She drew close to me and held me, leaning in close to my mouth as if to kiss me, but she didn’t. She was attempting to pull my spirit from my body.”
“ I heard a voice tell me to tense my abdominals while she was sucking. Also, the voice said, “When someone tries to steal your soul, you must tighten your abdominal muscles. Your spirit will not be snatched from you.” I did, in fact, tighten up immediately. The women kept pulling and pulling.”
Imboni Dr uZwi-Lezwe compared the woman’s behavior to that of a vampire in a movie or drama series, in which the vampire bites a person and sucks blood from their body. That was the force of the woman’s pulling.
As she continued to pull, I stood there watching her. “Don’t push her off,” the voice advised. You keep an eye on her. My gaze strayed. I was seeking my wife and attempting to speak with her so that I could warn her that these people were bad and that she needed to push the woman away from me. “Continue to tense your abdominals,” the voice advised as I searched for my wife. I tightened my abdomen. When she realized she wasn’t catching my spirit, she came to a halt, cursed, and walked away, followed by the rest of the multitude.
Imboni has always advised his followers that, when they have a horrible dream they should awake immediately and rebuke it and not wait till the morning to rebuke. “ If you’re having a really unpleasant dream, light your candles and chastise,” Imboni said.
“When I awoke something told me to walk to the window of my bedroom and lookup. When I got to the window, my dog was peering up the sky in the direction where the people in my dream had come from. Then it dawned on me that this isn’t just any dream. These people were real, and something wasn’t quite right”
Imboni went on to say that he was instructed to gaze up at the sky and look at the moon. From the direction where the people came from, there were two dazzling stars next to the moon it downed on Imboni how horrible things had gotten in the nation.
In 2014 South Africa experienced an earthquake that was reported to be the worst earthquake to occur in the country. Imboni reminded those in attendance of his dream about the earthquake “you may recall that I had a dream prior to the earthquake in South Africa. I had a dream about horses (inzuza) with human heads running from the same direction as the people I saw in my recent dream. . I’m not sure what this direction means, but every time I receive revelations, I receive them staring in this direction.
“This indicates that spirits are on their way to gather the spirits of the living. These ghosts were dispatched. This is not a reference to witches or witchcraft. This matter has national ramifications.”
“ I don’t testify on behalf of liars, therefore I’ll only say what I know. I’d assume these spirits originate from somewhere if I didn’t know otherwise.”
Imboni went on to say that those who will die as a result of this disease or whatever will be causing the strange deaths will not go to the spiritual dimension where their ancestors are because their deaths would have been untimely; instead, they will go to where these spirits go, maybe the east gate.
Imboni is the voice of the nation, thus, is mandated to pass on relations, which are spiritual messages from Izithunywa (spiritual guides) to the living. “I have played my role as Imboni, the Voice of the Nation and I advise people to polish their spiritual weapons and strengthen their spiritual defenses as a result of this. Because there is something going on in this country.”
Imboni’s revelation is of National Importance, Blue Nation is blessed to be under this guidance. All leaders across the world but especially African leaders to seek guidance.
It is people with a gift of foresight that will save the nation from destruction if listened to. We just need to as African people find our ground and pride in our spirituality and bear in mind that people like Imboni will not go out there to warn people of what’s to come, but people are the ones that need to come out and kneel before Imboni and seek guidance from them.
If only isizwe somzi ontsundu angavula indlebe namehlo ngoba kunitsi okwambulwa yiyo iMboni yakwantu and konke kuyenzeka
Intlantla ilele kuthi bantwana besthunywa funeke Sibambe ngazo zozibini sihlabele ukhwelo sigxwale emswaneni silandela iMboni ngokwenyani
With that spirituality lives forever
Nós como humanos temos essa obrigação de adquirir informações nas pessoas capacitados, como uma via de desenvolver as mentes. As informações a ninhum mamento procuram na pessoa mas sim a pessoa é que vai atraz das mesmas
Africans should just swallow their pride hle!!!!
Now as isosha lomoya l.m aware of what is being a good leader to the society .
Now l can say politicians must be guided and they must be guided by an Authentic indigenous spiritual guiders especially the African leaders they are the most confused souls with Eurocentric systems dwelling on their immune systems # spirituality #Spirituality must lead unapologetic