On the 19th of June 2022 Leader Nowa Mkhwananzi was appointed by Imboni Dr Uzwi-Lezwe Radebe at
Kwa-Mama Branch, the national spiritual KEYPOINT of the nation.
Imboni Dr uZwi-Lezwe Radebe is the leader and founder of the Revelation Spiritual Home an
an institution with over 60 branches in and out of South Africa.
The appointment of the deputy President comes at the perpetual growth of the spiritual institution
leading to the growth in the responsibility of the Presidents office.
Leader Mkwanazi will work closely with the residing President, President Bhekihlanhla Sibisi.
Leader Mkhwanazi was sworn into an oath of servitude under this new position.
“ I started attending TRSH when it was still in the basement in 2009. I made a vow that I would be loyal
and serve Ikhaya diligently.” Said leader Mkhwanazi.
The office of the Presidency was established in 2018 at Ekhuphumuleni spiritual mountain in the Free
State, where Imboni anointed President Sibisi as the President of Ikhaya Lomoya.
Imboni explained that when leader Mkhwanazi made his vow, the Spiritual Guides tested him when the JMPD attacked him, he could have fled but he remained loyal and he took the fall on behalf of Imboni. His appointment comes from his loyalty to the Founder and the institution.
President Sibisi will now share his responsibilities and the mandate of the African Indigenous Spirituality
will be fast-tracked. “I will be able to delegate certain tasks now. To those who will be delegated, this is a
true gift that emanates from the Spirit Guides”. Said Imboni.
Yanga Imfihlo YeZulu ingamupha amandla ne nhlakanipho kamoya u Baba Mkhwanazi abe i leader ekulungele njalo uku serve Ekhayeni, ahlale njalo ethembakele kwi Mboni, Ikhaya, UMfihlakalo nakwisizwe sama Sosha.